30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 16


I am sitting at the airport now typing on my iPhone using the Notion App. I have started to use this to capture my blog posts. I am trying to streamline and simplify my systems as I have noticed that when you use one program consistently for an extended period of time it becomes like the back of your hand and naturally you are more efficient.

In this article, I am going to explain to you the benefits of using Notion as an editor to type up your blog posts.

I briefly mentioned my workflow has changed from using WordPress to write my articles to using Notion.

The reason for this is that I am trying to create a content calendar within Notion and then when I am working in Notion during the day it’s very easy for me to work on my articles. This reduces friction because I am not having to jump between different apps all the time.

The great thing with using Notion is that you can link to articles, webpages and youtube content like you can in WordPress app. That makes it much easier to get sorted vs using something like OneNote.

When you use Notion on the web you can use Grammarly to check your writing. Which helps before you copy and paste into WordPress. The mobile app support for Grammarly is not great at the moment but they are working on it.

You could also export your writing as markdown and import it into other editors but because I use WordPress I just copy and paste the text and all the formatting and links work.

The great thing with the Notion app on mobile, browser or the desktop is that the experience is pretty consistent. When using the WordPress app there are small changes here and there which is enough of a distraction to cause friction to type on mobile. I use an iOS and Android device so the changes do throw one off a little bit.

With Notion integration into Unsplash, it’s super easy to look for a picture for your blog post and add it to the page within Notion as a cover page.

When you are typing up your post one of the handy features all writers need is a word count and to check that in Notion ss dead simple. On the top right of the page you are working in you click the three ellipses dots and it shows your word count.

With Notion, it’s very easy to format your text with colour or background colour or bold or italics. You can do the normal indent and outdent as well. You can also add headings, bullet points and numbered lists.

Paragraphs of text are also put into blocks so if you need to move a paragraph up or down it’s very easy by using the up and down arrows next to the out and indent arrows to do this. This is very similar to the block editor on WordPress.

Hopefully, soon they will have API integrations and it would be super awesome to be able to export directly into WordPress, Medium or other writing or blogging platforms.

If you are looking for an app that you can house all your content, have a seamless work experience no matter what device you are using then I would definitely suggest Notion.

For more information on what else you can do with Notion besides creating a content calendar and blog posts checkout Keep Productive on Youtube as they have an extensive range of Notion videos to get you started and they have an online course you can take to get you from zero to hero in no time.

Let me know in the comments below what your workflow is to create articles.

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